Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Finland travel tips: Lahti

Stories / Cultural tourism / Finland

Lahti Sports Center“Lahti: the sport city”. This is the way I would like to name this “chapter of the journey” due to several reasons. The first and, perhaps, the main reason for that is its famous ski jumps as part of the sport center. We will take a closer look at it later on in this chapter. The second reason for such name is my perception of Lahti. When I was there, I felt as if the whole city was very active in different kinds of sport; people were running, jogging, skiing, skating, etc. It made quite a good impression of the place. Naturally, this “chapter” will not be able to cover everything in the city of Lahti; therefore, there will be something left out for the following “chapters”.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Abandoned Hotels: new series of notes on tohology.com

Notes / PRO / Abandoned Hotels / Заброшенные Отели: новая серия заметок на tohology.com

It is no longer a secret that there are many various places, which have been abandoned for years. Some of them are too good to be empty. What about an idea to make some of them into hotels? Instead of being forgotten and destroyed by the wave of time, such buildings may serve a good purpose and become a good source of revenue for a city or town and a solution to a lack of accommodation facilities for travelers.

Не секрет, что существует множество различных мест, которые уже годами заброшены. Некоторые из них слишком хороши, чтобы пустовать. Как насчет идеи превратить часть подобных объектов в отели? Вместо того, чтобы быть забытыми и разрушенными волной времени, эти здания могут выполнить «хорошую службу», стать источником дохода и решением проблем с размещением путешественников.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Finland travel tips: Helsinki – transport

Stories / Cultural tourism / Finland

Olympia Terminal
“Helsinki: The Capital City” (part 1). After an incredible journey started in Canada we moved on to Finland and already had a chance to discover some of its eastern part. We have seen some towns in Finland and some of the festivals taking place. So now, it is time to have our next “chapter of the journey” in the capital of Finland, the city of Helsinki.